College of Fellows Meeting


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chicago, Illinois


     Meeting Minutes (Acceptance to be voted on in Louisville)


1. Chairman, Richard Rooley called the meeting to order at 10:00am.


2. Attendance sign-in sheet:  Attendance at the meeting is included in the attached 01225_CC_CoF-Attendance.xlsx file.  The following members were present.








































































3. New fellows were introduced and included:

Sheila J Hayter

Gilbert Nye

Tom Watson

a. CoF President needs to send each new fellow an email inviting them to the CoF meeting on Sunday. 

b. Each attendee introduced themselves.


4. Treasurers Report

a. The “endowed” amount is approximately $35,000 and the spendable amount is included in two accounts totalling approximately $35,000.   

b. Art reported that the CoF can safely spend about $5K / year. 


5. Secretary’s Report

a. Send minutes to Bill Coad and Richard Rooley for the ExCom report. 


6. Committee Reports

a. Handbook – Cooper

Current HB is Systems and Equipment

Response for CoF Member review of HB has been good (approximately 21 reviews returned with 31 agreeing to review HB Chapters). 

Cooper will send out another HB review request.

Reviewers need to return reviews to Ken Cooper and to Mark Owen at ASHRAE.

Discussion occurred on “usefulness” of fellow reviews.  Larry Spielvogel had a review ignored and the HB chapter had basic errors. 

Need a letter from the CoF to TAC

Culp to draft a letter and send to Cooper to modify and send to TAC/Section Heads. 


b. Web Page – Hallstrom

Several compliments were made on the current web site’s ease of use and user-friendly professional appearance.  Membership is listed by name and country only. 


c. Mentoring – Goldschmidt

Victor presented the mission – “Advancement of Arts and Sciences of HVAC” and also reported on sending out 192 emails with 55 responses of which 39 fellows were interested in being mentors.  He made the following recommendations:

– CoF Mentor available to Chapters

– Establish a SAC (Student Activities Committee) Chair

– Mentors should meet with High School teachers

– Coordination would occur by CoF

This activity should be reported to ExCom by CoF President, R. Rooley. 

– Dick Hatter to do the first draft of the letter.

– Jeff Haberl to explore how to handle this with the Electronics Committee.

– Victor commented that this needs to be handled on a personal level at first.

– Sheila Hatter questioned how to find mentees with Victor suggesting to work through the schools.


A second mentoring activity was suggested on mentoring college seniors and graduate students to introduce and attract them to ASHRAE.  A committee was formed which includes Charles Culp, Dick Charles, Victor Goldschmidt, Art Hallstrom, Dick Hatter, Lou Kelter, Bill Murphy, Gilbert Nye and George Sestak. 

– Dick Hatter commented that the Advisors need to be supported and the Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA) need to be pulled into assisting.  .

– Another concern which needs to be addressed is the students safety if any are minors.

– Culp to write this up and chair the initial formation of this group.  Need to consider how to select students, how to involve the local ASHRAE Chapters, what funding needed and where to recommend getting the funding. 

– A plan needs to be in place by the Louisville meeting.


d. Historian – Jackins

George explained how he inherited the responsibility for the CoF historical records and had these in a file cabinet.  ASHRAE had agreed to supply a file  drawer at HQ but now does not have the room.  Suggestions were made to store these at the Iron (or Stone?) Mountain facility, where archives can be easily stored and retrieved.  George  with pursue this with ASHRAE.  Bill Coad will recommend the CoF use this approach in an ExCom report. 


e. Newsletter – Wright

The newsletter was not published because there was not enough information to include in this.  Several members suggested that the Web site is an appropriate replacement for the newsletter.  Verle Williams suggestions included trying to get space in “Insights” to include short CoF news and have a link pointing to the CoF web site.   We may need a News editor. 


f. Speakers Bureau Update – Hallstrom

Art encouraged use and stated that more Fellows need to volunteer. 


7. Old Business

a. CoF Seminar – Rooley

Richard Rooley noted that the CoF lost the “Sustainable Urban Design” seminar program slot for Chicago. 

He suggested that this might be organized as a debate with fellows representing the opposing views.  This would be a high interest – high quality discussion.  The theme of the debate could (should?) follow the meeting theme. 

Richard will organize this effort for the Louisville meeting and try to obtain program space. 

b. Trip down Memory Lane – Rooley

Richard asked Past Presidents of ASHRAE to review their significant accomplishments during their terms and forward to him. 


c. 2011 Handbook Review Coordination – Rooley

Rooley appointed Ken Cooper to head this effort. 


d. Standards

No discussion. 


7. New Business

a. CoF Membership

Art Hallstrom moved that Richard Rooley and R. Wright write a memo to non-CoF fellows encouraging them to join the CoF.  Also that the web site list CoF ASHRAE Fellows in a CoF column and non-members in a “Fellow” column. 


8. Adjourned – Next meeting is in Louisville, Sunday June 21, 2009, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.