ASHRAE DRAFT MINUTES College of Fellows Meeting Sunday, January 24, 2010 Orlando, Fl
Action Items from the Louisville CoF Meeting
1. George Sestak will develop a mission/purpose statement for the COF prior to the Albuquerque meeting. 2. Charlie Culp will send a letter to the regional directors (student activities committee?) regarding the COF mentoring program and student support by mid March. 3. George Sestak will issue a call for any prior COF meeting minutes and agendas to add to our historical file. 4. Whoever is going to be the chair for the proposed ‘debate’ in Albuquerque needs to submit a program request ASAP. (Ken note: my notes indicate either Charlie Culp or Carl Lawson) TC 1.7 should be asked to co-sponsor. 5. Art Hallstrom will send a current speakers list to the secretary for distribution with the minutes.
Prior Action Items
1. The CoF President needs to send each new fellow an email inviting them to the CoF meeting on Sunday. DONE 2. Richard Rooley will recommend that ASHRAE provide storage at a facility. DONE 3. Recommended that Richard Rooley report to ExCom – DONE 1. “The College of Fellows wishes to thank the many TCs that incorporate the HB Chapter Reviews done by Fellows from the CoF. A few TCs have not used these reviews, this hurts the quality of the ASHRAE Handbooks. To assist in improving all HB Chapters, the CoF recommends that the ASHRAE Handbook Staff Manager oversee inclusion of review material and provide a brief feedback to the reviewer and the CoF”. 4. The Mentoring Committee will take a first cut and document the details of a proposed plan for the pilot program, send out this document to the members and receive comments. CONTINUING 5. Art will send out a list of all speakers to the CoF members. Art will also send out the password for accessing the data base. CONTINUING 6. Put a discussion of Term Limits on the agenda in Orlando in New Business. DONE
Meeting Minutes
1. Chairman, George Sestak called the meeting to order at 10:14 am and each person introduced themselves.
2. Attendance sign-in sheet – Sestak. The following members were present.
3. Approval of the Agenda – Sestak a. No corrections were made to the agenda.
4. Chairman’s Report – Sestak a. George reviewed emails received.
5. Approval of the Minutes from Louisville – Sestak a. Approved unanimously.
6. Treasurers Report – Underwood, Treasurer a. Reported that the approximate amount in the endowed and the interest accounts total approximately $35,000. b. There is no income other than from our interest bearing accounts. c. The only expense to date is $508 for the website.
7. Secretary’s Report –Cooper a. The attached ExCom report was written immediately after the meeting for presentation to the Board of Directors on Wed, January 27, 2010.
8. Subcommittee Reports a. Handbook – Claridge 1. At this time there are 37 COF reviewers who have agreed to review 37 chapters in the Handbook of Fundamentals.
b. Web Page – Hallstrom 1. Cost is under $1000 per year and this web site continues to be useful to the CoF. 2. The website has been updated recently to include the new officers and an updated list of Fellows. c. Mentoring – Culp 1. There has not been any progress on this project. 2. Charlie reported that he has personally sponsored two students at this meeting. 3. After some discussion it was decided: 1. The COF would provide $500 to 4 students to attend two meetings of the society. The goal is to have them at the Albuquerque meeting. 2. The student’s local chapter will need to provide the rest of the funding – estimated to be about $1,000. 3. Charlie will send a letter to the regional directors (and maybe the regional student activities committee people) by March 15, 2010. 4. There were several other ideas presented including: 5. Dave Claridge – have COF members solicit the additional funding at their local chapters. 6. Dick Charles – how can we exclude chapters that already sponsor students. We really need additional chapters. 7. Richard Rooley – How can we get a list of chapters that already sponsor students 8. Dave Claridge – How can we get publicity for chapters that sponsor students, Journal or Insites articles? 9. Charlie Culp – Maybe a section in Insites for this. 10. Richard Rooley – While the COF could help with mentoring of students who come to the meeting, we must be careful to get this “bit” right. 11. Dave Underwood – should COF get involved in the student breakfast 12. Larry Spielvogel – the COF really should have a Fellow at each table at the student breakfast. 4. In response to a question, it was decided that this program would only apply to ASHRAE chapters at this time. It may be extended to affiliated societies in the future. 5. The mentoring subcommittee consists of Charles Culp, Dick Charles, Victor Goldschmidt, Art Hallstrom, Dick Hatter, Lou Kelter, Bill Murphy, Gilbert Nye and George Sestak. d. Historian – Jackins 1. George reported that he still had possession of the historical records even though Jeff Littleton had agreed to supply space. 2. It was agreed that George Sestak will issue a call for prior information to add to the COF archives. 3. Richard Rooley noted that there has been some conversation about having storage space in the Stone Mountain archives. 4. There was concern expressed that there be a mechanism for a COF member to have the final say if and when ASHRAE decides to eliminate some of their old material. 5. Charlie Culp moved, Dick Charles seconded: The COF provide up to $1,000 to make backup (digital) copies of the historical material. This was approved unanimously. e. Program – Rooley 1. There was discussion on an appropriate debate for the Albuquerque meeting. It was decided that: 1. A debate entitled “20th Century Ethics do not apply in the 21st Century” 2. There is confusion in the secretary’s mind whether the chair is going to be Charlie Culp or Carl Lawson. 3. Larry Spielvogel and Richard Rooley are willing to be ‘debaters’ 4. TC 1.7 should be asked if they want to co-sponsor this debate.
f. Speakers Bureau Update – Hallstrom 1. The speakers bureau is on the COF website. It includes the Distinguished Lecturers as well as other volunteers. 2. We have not had a great success in getting additional people to volunteer to be on the list. There are approximately 30 speakers in addition to the Distinguished Lecturers. 3. Art will send a current list to the secretary to include with the minutes. This is to help COF members suggest additional speakers that they might know of to join the list.
9. Old Business a. The COF excom decided that there was no reason to change the term of the president. It will remain at 1 year. 10. New Business a. President Sestak initiated a series of formal subcommittees and subcommittee chairs as follows: 1. Program – Rooley 2. Mentoring – Culp 3. Historical – Jackins 4. Website – Hallstrom 5. Speakers Bureau – Hallstrom 6. Handbook Review – Claridge
b. Past president Richard Rooley noted that the nominating committee would have a report before the Albuquerque meeting. c. Art Garbarino asked that the COF be aware of the difficulty of getting refrigeration information to the grassroots committees with the elimination of the regional Refrigeration chairs (?). He would be appreciative of any help that we could provide to continue to spread the word.
11. Adjourned at 11:22 AM – Next meeting is in Albuquerque, Sunday June 27, 2010, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
ASHRAE College of Fellows Meeting Sunday, January 24, 2010 Orlando, FL
ExCom Report
The CoF President will send each new fellow an email inviting them to the CoF meeting on Sunday at the Albuquerque meeting. We have found that this is an effective way to introduce new fellows to the College of Fellows.
The College of Fellows has historical records which need to be stored at ASHRAE’s archival storage facility in Atlanta. We are continuing to work with ASHRAE staff to provide suitable storage for this material. The college of fellows also approved spending up to $1,000 to provide an archival digital backup of our records.
The College of Fellows is working with the TCs to assist in the review of Handbook Chapters. At this time we have promises to review 39 chapters in the Handbook of Fundamentals volume by 37 fellows. We are continuing to get excellent cooperation from Mark Owens, Handbook editor in getting review material to the chapter reviewers.
To make a positive impact on growing new active ASHRAE members, the College of Fellows has started a Mentoring Committee pilot program to bring 4 graduate students by providing partial financial assistance to two consecutive ASHRAE meetings and mentor them in appropriate activities of the Society. We are refining this program by contacting the chapters through the regional directors to help identify prospective students.
The College of Fellows will continue to identify and sponsor “Debates” on appropriate topics.
The Mission statement of the College will be reviewed and updated as necessary for review by the College at the Albuquerque meeting.