Minutes: College of Fellows (COF) Board
Date: June 24, 2012
Location: Grand Hyatt Hotel San Antonio, TX
Note: Action items are printed in bold face.
Dr. Ken Cooper, COF President, convened the meeting at 10:10 am (See attachment 1, “Meeting Agenda”)
Participants gave self introductions. (See attachment 2, “Sign-In Sheet” for list of attendees.)
Minutes of the January 22, 2012 COF meeting were approved as distributed.
Adelman distributed the “Staff Report to College of Fellows.” (See attachment 3)o
Adelman explained that any group in the U.S. soliciting a contribution (such as the COF) must register in each state where solicitations aremade. (See item 4. State Registration). At the present time the COF are legally independent of ASHRAE. She recommended that the COF
consider merging with ASHRAE and would thus be under the ASHRAE 501 C3 charter.
It was moved by Hayter and seconded “That the COF Advisory Board (COF ExCom) be empowered to merge the COF with ASHRAE followingreceipt of advice from ASHRAE legal counsel and approval by the ASHRAE BOD. The motion passed by a vote of 23, 0, 1.
Adelman discussed the present fiscal status of the COF and funding for the travel awards (two, $2000 awards to assist with the cost to attend thetwo winter conferences by each award winner.)
Burroughs suggested that at some future date the COF consider depositing contributions with the ASHRAE Foundation. Discussionfollowed but no action was taken.
Cooper assigned an action item to Modera (incoming COF Treasurer) to develop details for COF fund raising including details for the processas well as the suggestion that funds be deposited with the Foundation.
Goldschmidt moved approval of the staff report. Passed unanimously.o
Adelman noted that a link to the COF Website has now been added to the ASHRAE Web site.
Rooley suggested the debate topic, “Sustainability is No Longer a Problem” for the 2013 Winter Conference in Dallas. Following a discussion by thosepresent, the topic will be “Sustainability is Sustainable.” Mr. Rooley exclaimed that he “was happy.”
Claridge presented the Treasurer’s report (See attachment 4). He suggested that some modifications to the information presented in the report be made toclarify certain issues. He will work with incoming Treasurer, Modera, to modify the next report.
Hallstrom gave an update on recent improvements to the COF Web site.
S. Hayter suggested that the COF coordinate links between the YEA Web site and that of the COF regarding the availability of the travel awards. Culp andS. Hayter will discuss opportunities for promoting the availability of the Travel Awards.
Culp noted that we have completed the first full cycle of travel awards. Culp moved that the COF authorize the next pair of travel awards in the totalamount of $4000 for travel to the Winter Meetings in Dallas and New York. Motion passed unanimously.
Culp was assigned an action item to investigate the information regarding the availability of the travel awards that is posted on the Web and update asnecessary.
Culp was assigned an action item to notify chapters to encourage them to promote the availability of the travel awards to their respective studentbranches.
Coad moved to require that travel awards only be given to students in student branches. He then violated parliamentary procedure and spoke in oppositionto his motion. The motion was defeated by a unanimous vote.
Culp encouraged COF members to attend the YEA mixer scheduled later in the evening.
Sherif will inform the China Association of Refrigeration of the availability of the travel awards.
Goldschmidt announced that ASHRAE Honors and Awards Committee is investigating changes to the requirements for the College of Fellow award with theintent of making the award available to a broader population of the Society membership. Goldschmidt will provide an update at the next meeting of the
Richard Charles was introduced as the next COF President along with the other officers that will comprise the COF board.
Cooper was thanked for his service as President of the COF with a resounding applause.Respectfully (or is it "respectably" Submitted.
Richard B. Hayter, Secretary
Staff Report to
College of Fellows
Current Contributions
Total Giving
(YTD) |
# of Donors |
% of Fellows |
Average Gift |
# of $100 Gifts |
# of $50 Gifts |
$4,548.09 |
64 |
14% |
$71.06 |
22 |
27 |
I am very pleased with these numbers and
percentage of participation.
The average gift, number of gifts and range of gifts is
exactly in line with the RP Campaign and the Life Members Campaign.
That shows that you are asking for the right amount of money
and I expect to hit the goal of $5,000 next year.
The College will need to continue to promote
this program in ways other than solicitations.
These can include an informational email about new
participants in the program, calls for nominees to the program, and
a ‘personal’ email from the participants saying how much they
learned by attending the meetings.
The first ‘touch’ piece (email or mailing) should go out
shortly after this meeting or in the Fall.
Calendar for Solicitations & ‘Touches’
August -
September, 2012: The
first ‘touch’ mailing or emailing with a message about the
College/Fellows, such as what it accomplished the past year, and
some call to action ex. sending
in nomination names or becoming involved in a sub-committee to help
with a project.
January, 2013:
The second ‘touch’ mailing with a message about the
College/Fellows; which students are coming to the January Meeting,
invite to attend the Sunday Meeting, updates on projects, etc.
February 28, 2013:
First solicitation letter
May 1, 2013:
Second solicitation letter
These ‘touch’ mailings help build relationships
and keep Members interested in the program.
It also helps prevent the feeling of … the only time they
hear from you is when you have your hand out ….
Travel Award Program
Are there set guidelines on how someone is
selected to receive this? How nominations are handled?
Are there guidelines on how the travel money is to be used?
I know there was some discussion in Chicago
about if the money needed to be used in one year (the 2 meetings for
that year) or if it could be spread out over multiple years.
From a donor’s perspective, it makes it harder to see a need
for money every year, if only $2,000 a year is being spent and the
award is actually a 2-yr award because the student only attends the
Winter Meeting. In
addition, it lessens the message of the winners being exposed to the
TCs and Seminars because TC’s meet at every meeting and there are
different Seminars at each meeting.
Clarification on the rules and guidelines may
need to be considered.
Display in Registration
The new COF Poster is on display near the
Student Activities Display.
State Registration
Due to newly enforced state laws that require
all 501c3’s to register in every US State where they conduct
solicitations, the COF should consider dissolving their separate
501c3 Status and request to be moved under the ASHRAE 501c3 number.
This will not change how the group is run, staff support or
how officers are nominated and will only eliminate the need to
register in the 40 US States that currently require registration.
Approximate cost to register in all 40 states:
$6,000 ($150 per state)
If you would like to do this, it should be
passed as a Motion by the College of Fellows and addressed in the
courtesy report to ASHRAE BOD ExCom, due Wednesday morning.
It is a very simple process that ASHRAE can handle on your
If there are any questions, please let me know.
Thank you so much for all your hard work on
behalf of ASHRAE!