Sunday, June 22, 2008

Salt Lake City, UT






608.01 Chairman, Bill Coad called the meeting to order at 10.00am and declared a quorum. Coad reviewed the purpose of the COF for the new members.



108.02 Attendance at the meeting included the following members of the College:


  B. Coad    (President)    M. Grasso     R. Wright    
  R. Rooley (Pres. Elect.)   P. Simmons  D. Hayter  
  A. Hallstrom (Past Pres.) R. Kirkwood     V. Goldschmidt  
  G. Sestak (Secretary)      D. Claridge      L. Spielvogel  
  W. Acorn (Treasurer)    B. Kilkis   L. Kelter  
  A. Garbarino     M. Scofield     
  M. Meckler D. Grumman             
  F. Kohloss K. Cooper     
  C. Culp D. Underwood      
  J. Haberl     D. Charles    
  D. Bahnfleth R. (Dutch) Uselton     




608.03 The Agenda for the meeting was reviewed and unanimously approved.

                                          Motion:           L. Kelter

                                          Second:         A. Gararino



608.04 The minutes of the Annual Meeting in January in New York, NY, had been posted on the College website (    The minutes were reviewed and unanimously approved.

                                          Motion:           A. Hallstrom

                                          Second           R. Rooley



608.05 Treasurer’s Report – Bill Acorn reported that there is a balance of $70,152.52 in the account which about $34,405.21 (interest on the endowment) is available for COF spending. Acorn reported the need for an income source. Hallstrom made a motion to accept the Treasurers Report, Wright seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Banfleth suggested a dues structure. Acorn suggested a voluntary fundraiser that would solicit $100 to $200 per Fellow. Hallstrom made a motion to accept Acorn’s fund raising proposal. Wright seconded the motion. Clariage amended the motion to make the fund drive annual. Kohloss seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous for both the original amended motions. 



608.06  The issue of Handbook Chapter comments and response was introduced. Hallstrom reviewed the process and stated that the Handbook Editor (Owens) would like work with the CoF. K. Cooper agreed to lead the coordination effort with Hallstrom and Maureen Grasso assisting.



608.07 Hallstrom gave an update of the status of the program, how to access the Bureau and how to get on the speakers list. The final modifications to the Bureau were completed including a video.



608.09 Wright was appointed to work with the Webmaster, Nancy Hallstrom, to keep the Newsletter.



608.10 Goldschmidt presented a report developed by Kelter, Hayter and himself. The report covered a recommended process. As a result Golschmidt will head a committee composed of Acorn, Simons, Bahnfleth, Kelter, Hayter, Sestak to continue developing the Mentoring Program.



608.11 Jackins reported that we have a file of CoF history in Atlanta for our use.



608.12  Since June 2008 is the 10th Anniversary of the CoF, Rooley and Kirkwood have prepared a “trip down memory lane”. A copy of that document is attached.



6.08.13 Hallstrom stated that the vote was completed and confirmed. They are:

·        President                 Richard Rooley

·        President Elect       George Sestak

·        Secretary                 Charlie Culp

·        Treasurer                 Bill Acorn

The total amount of votes cast were 67.


608.14 Rooley proposed a new program called “COF Seminar”. This program will request that new fellows present a high level briefing of their accomplishments and areas of expertise. Rooley will chair. 

608.15  Rooley proposed that the CoF be involved in the Fellow selection process. He will follow up on this initiative. 

608.16 Coad suggested that we develop a plan to acknowledge the passing of ASHRAE Fellows. A plan was not finalized.


608.17  Meckler expressed a concern with the lack of participation of the ASHRAE membership in the review and comment of ASHRAE Standards similar to  the situation we see with Handbook comments. 




608.18 The next meeting will be in Chicago on Sunday, 9:30 noon, January 25, 2009.

                        Motion to Adjourn was by consensus




ASHRAE COF History                       ASHRAE COF Mentoring Report