ASHRAE College of Fellows Sunday, January 30, 2011 Las Vegas, NV CALL TO ORDER: Culp 611.01 Chairman Culp called the meeting to order and asked each person to introduce themselves. ATTENENDANCE: Culp 611.02 Attendance Sign-in sheet. The following members were present. Don Bahnfleth Lou Kelter Bob Baker Carl Lawson Bruce Billedeaux Hugh McMillan Dick Charles Richard Rooley David Claridge George Sestaic Bill Coad S.A. Sherif Ken Cooper L. Spielvogel Charlie Culp Sriram Somasundram Victor Goldschmidt Terry Townsen Art Hallstrom Robert “Dutch” Uselton Dick Hayter AGENDA: Culp 611.03 No corrections were made to the agenda. CHAIRMANS REPORT: Culp 611.04 MEETING MINUTES: Culp 611.05 The minutes of the Winter Meeting in Las Vegas were unanimously approved. TREASURES REPORT Claridge 611.06 SECRETARY’S REPORT: Charles 611.07 SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS: 611.08 a. Handbook- Claridge. Refrigeration Handbook Review. Sub Committee formed to look into what happens to the reviews of Handbook Chapters by COF. Dave Claridge Chair. Dick Charles, Art Hallstrom and Hugh McMillan. b. Web Page- Hallstrom. Web Page Address ASHRAE c. Speakers Bureau Update- Art Hallstrom d. Mentoring- Culp e. Historian- Ken Cooper. COF historical documents from George Jackson. $1,000.00 available to scan all documents. Ken to check with Nancy Halstrom ( Web Master). f. Program- Rooley. Tues. Seminar 32 Prescriptive Standards Result in Bad Buildings. OLD BUSINESS: 611.09 NEW BUSINESS: 611.10 Terry Townsend to form Sub Committee to help select New Fellows. A survey should be made to determine the ratio of Fellows in US vs Canada and Overseas. |