Begun in October 2003, the College of Fellows is a financially self-supporting ASHRAE Committee made up exclusively of Members who have been awarded the member grade of Fellow. While it has an official ASHRAE Staff Liaison and does a courtesy report to the ASHRAE Board ExCom, its programs are funded through the contributions from ASHRAE Fellows and other interested donors.
The mission of the College is to encourage and assist ASHRAE Fellows to serve as ambassadors, enhancing ASHRAE’s technical image internally and in the community at large. This occurs through activities such as transferring ASHRAE-generated technology and knowledge; mentoring students, engineers and educators to increase their awareness of ASHRAE activities; sharing knowledge or experience with the grassroots organization, such as chapter presentations; communicating ASHRAE recommended practices to resolve current industry problems; and supporting ASHRAE governance in conducting special technical activities.
The College meets during each Annual and Winter Conference and the meetings are open to whoever is interested in learning more about the College activities or how to qualify to become a Fellow. Officers are elected each June during the Annual Conference.
The 2020-22 officers:
Dennis Knight
President Elect
Mike Pouchak
Tom Lawrence
Past President/Nominating Chair/Development Committee Rep
Dave Branson